
Monday, June 20, 2011


 Some cool pictures I found on the interweb that someone drew of Simpson's characters in Pulp fiction settings. Think I found some new Tattoo ideas!!

Ryan Dunn Killed in car wreck.

Jackass star Ryan Dunn stunt person and prankster was found dead earl Monday . He was killed in a high speed car wreck on a state highway in West Goshen Pennsylvania. The car was believed to be going over 100 mph  at the time of the accident. Dunn was found severely burned and was identified by his tattoos and beard.He was best known for his bad driving of a golf cart that flipped onto Johnny Knoxville's head and the infamous Doctors visit with an x-ray finding a toy car up hiss ass. R.I.P.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Debra Ann Whall is my favorite vampire of the moment. She is part of the HBO series TRUE BLOOD. She plays a just turned vampire who is just learning ropes.

FREE the West Memphis Three

Well I've been following this story for over ten years.It started when I rented this movie Paradise Lost. A true story of 3 children found murdered and sexually mutilated in the Robin Hood Hills. The local town folk went on a witch hunt and tossed 3 teens in jail because they wore black, listened to Metallica and talked about witchcraft. So the town folk said the kids were killed in a satanic ritual end of story. The only physical evidence found to prove the 3 did it was NONE!! All they had wad a forced confession from one of the 3 who the police had without a lawyer present  for over 14 hours but only recorded like 45 minutes of that. Turns out that kid was not the sharpest tool in the shed.  They also made Paradise Lost part 2 in this movie they kinda prove without a shadow of doubt that the 3 by the names of Damien Echols, Jessie Misskelley and Jason Baldwin did not commit this murder. Anyhow Damien is on death row and the other two received life in prison. Now after 17 years they have this new thing called DNA that just might prove these guys Innocent . I suggest that anyone not familiar rent the movies and read up on the website. They need donations to help with legal fees. Many famous people have stepped up to help raise money and awareness. I hope they are set free because there definitely is a Shadow of doubt.

Movies I can watch many times over.

  • Blue Velvet
  • Twin Peaks Fire Walk With Me.
  • JAWS
  • Natural Born Killers
  • Blade runner
  • KILL BILL 1 and 2
  • Fight Club
  • Rivers edge
  • Clockwork orange